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 18 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"Bernardino Luini"Advanced Search
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Virgin and Child with the Infant Saint John the Baptist, 1523. Creator: Bernardino Luini.
Saint Mary Magdalene, c1524. Creator: Bernardino Luini.
St Catherine of Alexandria, 1495-1532. Creators: Leonardo da Vinci, Bernardino Luini.
The Despair of Cephalus, c. 1520/1522. Creator: Bernardino Luini.
Procris and the Unicorn, c. 1520/1522. Creator: Bernardino Luini.
The Misfortunes of Cephalus, c. 1520/1522. Creator: Bernardino Luini.
Procris' Prayer to Diana, c. 1520/1522. Creator: Bernardino Luini.
Procris Pierced by Cephalus' Javelin, c. 1520/1522. Creator: Bernardino Luini.
Cephalus and the Nymphs, c. 1520/1522. Creator: Bernardino Luini.
Cephalus Punished at the Hunt, c. 1520/1522. Creator: Bernardino Luini.
Cephalus and Pan at the Temple of Diana, c. 1520/1522. Creator: Bernardino Luini.
Cephalus Hiding the Jewels, c. 1520/1522. Creator: Bernardino Luini.
Portrait of a Lady, 1520/1525. Creator: Bernardino Luini.
The Magdalen, c. 1525. Creator: Bernardino Luini.
The Madonna of the Carnation, c. 1515. Creator: Bernardino Luini.
Venus, c. 1530. Creator: Bernardino Luini.
'The Illusion of Cephalus', 1520-1522. Artist: Bernardino Luini.
The Mystical Marriage of Saint Catherine, c1520, (1911). Artist: Bernardino Luini